Stock Reversals | Update on Chromadex (CDXC) Long Term Stock Report
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Update on Chromadex (CDXC) Long Term Stock Report

CDXC $5.35

Original  Report May 30th at $3.28, up 63%

Targets were 4.50-5.50 intermediately and $8 longer term

The Chromadex long term buy report we issued on May 30th has been working out just as we projected.  This week they announced a 23 million private placement offering from strategic investors to help fund their push into Asia.

When we wrote up the stock, we were enamored with the fact that Li Ka-Shing and his group were making an investment at $2.60 per share, and we speculated he would take some of his beauty divisions in Asia and expand CDXC product lines into that area.

This is coming to pass and the stock has performed, now up 62% since our report.  The idea was to give this report to SRP Members who wanted a taste of our Tipping Point Stock type of research work, and a stock they could hold for 9-18 months.

We like the developments, the company is cashed up with almost 50 million in the treasury soon and we see big things ahead.  The quarterly report also just came out and was quite impressive as well..

If you are not yet a member of consider joining now while we have Charter Member rates $500 off.

This week we put out our 4th stock in the portfolio and already is up about 18%.

Last week our 3rd stock report for the TPS Portfolio came out on the 31st of October and was up 45% at one point, still up 35% now.

We expect TPS members to be well rewarded as we build out our list of 15 of our best ideas and then manage them.

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Chief Strategist

The Market Analysts Group, LLC