Stock Reversals | Stock Options Swing Trade Service
A Free Stock Advisory and Market Forecast Subscription Service
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Swing Trading of Stock Options using Monthly or Weekly calls as alerted and posted to members.

Hosted on the platform which includes options to register for 3x ETF swing trading (Since 2019), ES Futures Trading (Since 2018)  and Stock Options Swing trading services (Since 2024)

This Swing Trading of Stock Options subscription service is entirely focused on naked call swing trading of stock options.

Using David Banister’s well known human behavioral pattern analysis for individual stock charts, he will pick opportune times to enter long call options based on expectation of a reversal to the upside or a breakout of a consolidation pattern in a stock that meets his criteria.

The goal is to build each long call position with 2-4 trades in tranches adding in dips in a short window of time, then closing the positions out when up 30-50% or more.

Recent Real Trading results Samples Jan 2024-

3 Swing Trades- TSLA, GCT, SYM- 40%, 33%, and 50% gains

TSLA Feb 16th $205 out of the money call options.  TSLA had fallen hard on earnings the prior 2 trading days, Dave felt the stock could eventually bounce to $205. 

1/26/24: Purchased  5 calls at $4.05 and more added same day 2 at $3.31 and 2 at $3.30

1/29/24- TSLA stock rips to $190 area Monday morning and we sell all 9 options at $5.22 for gains of 40%

GCT Feb 16 $20  in the money Call Options.  GCT had pulled back after a spike and SRP members were alerted to re-enter near $22 to $22.50 ranges.  

1/24/24-  Purchased 7 calls at $3  of $20 call options.

1/25/24    Sold 7 calls at $4 for 33% gains in 24 hours

SYM Feb 16th $42.50 Call Options.

1/18/24-   Purchased 3 calls at $4.13, Added 1 call at 3.86 and 1 call at 3.90 of $42.50 call options

1/22/24-  Sold 5 calls at $6 for 50% gains

The positions will  be based on swing trade chart behavioral patterns that are often oversold conditions in strong companies that meet the weekly swing trade ideas list criteria.  David incorporates behavioral pattern analysis in his stock reversal swing trade service at

Since 2009 his methodology has consistently produced 70% winners on all trades alerted to members and the last few years track record can be found here

Trade Alerts will be E-mailed, Posted Online, and SMS Texted in real time with Entry Ranges given, Stop losses if applicable, targets if applicable and with  ongoing updates and Buy/Add alerts and Sell Alerts given.

Due to the volatile nature of Stock Options trading we advise small position sizes of 5% per position of Trading Capital allocated to this service.  We also like to work into positions over 2-5 trades if possible on dips.